Monday, 10 March 2014

Schools and Tech: Something New in the Abyss

It is acknowledged that each teacher is on an individual journey of technology integration. Some teachers use technology sparingly in their own lives. They may be impressed with what technology can do but do not believe that the investment in time to learn how to navigate and manipulate those technologies for education are worth the possible gains.  

There are those teachers who actually are quite resistant to technology in school. They are not convinced that any gains can be made through the use of computers.  They think it is a waste of time.  Some of these resistors have done their homework and know that there is no conclusive data that proves the claim that technology integration results in higher levels of learning.  

That being said, technology such as tablets laptops cell phones, and internet are not going anywhere. Technology is vastly changing our world.  So the question isn't whether not we should integrate technology into classrooms and schools. Technology gives us a way to change the paradigm around education.  

Never before in civilization have students been able to learn 24/7. Never before have the reins of knowledge been released to the masses. Never before has it been possible for amateurs to access reams of information by the world's greatest minds and discover something new in the abyss. Never before has collaboration been so meaningful. And global. Never before has the voice of one teenager, one child had so much power.

We must decide whether students will learn because of the opportunities we give them or despite them.