When I walked out of the computer lab after my class on Thursday, I was pumped. Not only did the technology work, and not only did the links get through the prohibitive filters, but my students were excited about creating a collaborative presentation.
It helps that we have a real live audience. It also helps that we have already made connections with our audience in Wisconsin via a Skype meet and greet. My class already had the opportunity to ask their counterparts some interview questions. We also are fully aware that they will be creating a presentation about us as we create a presentation about them.
We are part of a larger community of schools participating in the Global Read Aloud Project. But today was about learning how to collaborate in real time.
The Project: Collaborate as a class to create a online presentation about Monona, Wisconsin. Complete with researched information, pictures, music perhaps, and/or video.

With little assistance from me, most students found their way to the joint Blog and the Google presentation. They help each other figure out how to insert photos using URLs. They became excited when they noticed one of their classmates' cursors and text appearing before their eyes. Photos appearing elicited comments of "Cool! " and "Whoa!" There was definitely stresses when somebody accidentally deleted someone else's contribution or when somebody deliberately changed the presentation theme and applied it to all the slides.
It was extremely difficult for me to hide my glee when one student corrected another's capitalization and spelling mistakes. Some of my students have acquired a track record for apathy and lack of effort. Yet, on that day they cared about each other's learning, their own learning, the process, and the product. No wonder I felt so pumped.